Pai Mind Day

“Years ago I lost a friend, Anna, to mental health issues. Every year we mark her birthday, 10 July, with Pai Mind Day – to promote mental health understanding and raise vital funds for Mind. Most importantly, I believe even the busiest among us can find ten minutes to spare. Ten minutes to check in on someone you love – or to reach out to someone if it’s you who needs to talk. 

“On Pai Mind Day, I ask you to do just that and join our #10MinuteMoment. Send a message, write a card or call someone and check in to see how they really are. You never know the difference it could make.” 

- Sarah Brown, Founder

Who our donations help

Who our donations help

To date we have raised over £85,500 for mental health charities – over £20,000 of which was donated to Mind, the leading mental health charity in England and Wales, providing advice and support to help anyone experiencing a mental health problem. The charity campaigns to improve services, raise awareness, promote understanding, and provide support directly to those who need it most.  In 2024, Pai Mind Day raised an additional £6,000 which could help answer over 600 enquiries to Mind’s Infoline.

Who our donations help

Pai Mind Day isn’t just about helping others – it’s about looking after yourself too. If you feel you need help with your mental health, this is your call to take that first step to reach out and seek advice. 


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