One question we are asked time and again: what does Rosehip Oil smell like?
Despite the name, the most common varieties of Rosehip used in skincare have little in common with their pretty floral relatives. And this includes their scent. So what exactly is Rosehip Oil supposed to smell like?
Many people buy Rosehip Oil expecting it to smell of roses, when in fact this wonderful hedgerow shrub is much more herbaceous and earthy. We’ve seen people comment that some rosehip oils smell fishy or even like mustard. It can be a bit of a surprise!
What our organic Rosehip Oil smells like
There’s absolutely no added fragrance in our Rosehip Bioregenerate oil. Its organic aroma comes from our complete extraction method.
We extract oil from the fruit and seed of the hip using CO2 extraction. This gives us the freshest, most concentrated form of Rosehip Oil. It also means we keep the natural scent of the plant.
We think it smells a bit like cold tea. But some customers have suggested it smells like hay or straw, autumnal leaves – even a little like cider!

What your Rosehip Oil shouldn’t smell like
Although not strong, our different perceptions of smell can make the scent a bit divisive; particularly if you’ve never used a high quality Rosehip Oil before. But even the most discerning nose shouldn’t find that it smells ‘bad’ – that would be a telltale sign that something’s wrong. In which case, you might find our post on how to know if your face oil has expired helpful!
Whether you love the scent of Rosehip Oil (like most of us at Pai HQ) or you’re not so sure, it doesn’t linger. When applied to the skin, the scent quickly dissipates.
However, your Rosehip Oil should never smell rancid or sour on the nose (the way that old butter can).

What your Rosehip Oil should look like
If you’re unsure whether what you’re smelling is normal, another clue to the freshness of your Rosehip is its colour.
A good Rosehip Oil should be a vibrant orange, which signposts the presence of lots of skin-protecting carotenoids. Paler hues are an indication that your oil may have oxidised.
To keep your oil fresh as long as possible, keep it in a cool place, out of direct sunlight and avoid leaving unsealed for prolonged periods of time.
Shop our certified organic Rosehip Oil now, or discover the benefits of Rosehip Oil to learn more